The first rule in medicine is do no harm.
But traditional health insurance is killing us.

Our 8-point plan explains.

Our newsletters tell it like it is:

  • Medicare Advantage plans promised to save the government money but instead are making large profits for insurance companies at the expense of patient care.
    Read full newsletter

  • There was a time when employers paid the entire cost of premiums for their workers' healthcare insurance. Deductibles and co-payments were low. But now, 4 in 10 people insured by employer-provided health plans find their out-of-pocket costs are so expensive they need to dip into savings and take on debt.

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We are in the middle of a resurgence of organized labor in the US. From Amazon workers to auto workers and baristas at Starbucks. One of the big reasons workers are so hot to get that union card is because of… you guessed it, healthcare! Today we’re going to be talking union healthcare plans. Most importantly, we’re going to take a deep dive into why, even with better healthcare, unions have been leaders in the fight for Medicare for All, and how they might save the rest of us from corporate healthcare hell.

Let’s cure healthcare.

We believe there is a path to a well-designed Medicare For All plan that can provide affordable healthcare to everyone.

American Council to Advance Medicare For All

ACAMFA is a not-for-profit educational organization. Our comprehensive analysis of multiple alternatives shows that universal healthcare coverage is affordable for workers, employers, and all taxpayers with improved freedom of choice, without the need for national healthcare budgets or excessive regulations. Established in 2018, ACAMFA provides informational material, town halls, forums and individual or group consultations.